The Boss Shot - The Ultimate Tool to Extend your Gun Performance Between full teardowns

The Boss Shot - The Ultimate Tool to Extend your Gun Performance Between full teardowns

The BOSS Shot

The BOSS shot fluid canister allows you to use bulk DPM or whatever solvent you prefer to break down A-side and foam in your gun parts and run the solvent through the fluid section via a special whip and manifold. Using a standard tire chuck to pressurize the canister and the solvent you can use this combination to clean out any remaining material from spraying for the day. Then just grease your gun as usual and store with out the fear of crystallized A-Side ruining your day the next time you spray. This is just another way we look to put control back into the hands of the contractor by extending the life of your equipment and making upkeep even easier. Less downtime, less replacement part buying, A lot more profit. That's just how we prefer things here at BOSS.

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